mobil THUNDER - Dijual Motor Suzuki Thunder 125cc'2005 7JUTAAN CILACAP

Mobil : .Rp. 7 jt
Date : 23 November 2010

Dijual Motor Suzuki Thunder 2005. kondisi bagus, terawat. mesin halus. Pajak bulan November baru bayar pajak & ganti plat. Harga Rp.7.500.000,00 NEGO!!!.warna biru,.125 cc, bensin irit,.ban baru beli bulan september 2010,.masih ada rambut ban. Accu bagus tokcer!!! Starter sekali pencet hidup. Tangan pertama plat "R" Adipala-Cilacap_jateng. Serius, minat hubungi 085647626417. MAU LIHAT FOTONYA KLIK DI : HTTP://WIDARAPAYUNGBEACH. BLOGSPOT. COM. Suzuki. Model: THUNDER.: Bekas. Tahun buat: 2005. Kilometer: 50555. BIRU. Bensin. Harga: Rp. 7 Juta. Harga Pasti. contact:.ATHABIC. No. Telepon:

English Translation »

THUNDER - Sale Motor Suzuki Thunder 125cc'2005 7JUTAAN CILACAP

Price : Rp. 7.00 mil.
Item : Motor : Suzuki Bekas.
Seller :Contact : CILACAP JATENG..

Sale Motor Suzuki Thunder 2005. good condition, well maintained. smooth engine. November of a new tax to pay taxes and replace the plate. Price Rp.7.500.000, 00 NEGO!. The color blue, .125 cc, fuel efficient,. New tires bought in september 2010. Still no hair tires. Accu effective in lessening nice! Push the starter once lived. First-hand plate "R" Adipala-Cilacap_jateng. Seriously, interest please call 085 647 626 417. WANT TO SEE photograph CLICK: HTTP: / / WIDARAPAYUNGBEACH. Blogspot. COM. Suzuki. Model: THUNDER.: Ex. Year created: 2005. Kilometers: 50 555. BLUE. Petrol. Price: Rp. 7 Million. Price Plan. contact:. ATHABIC. No. Phone:

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