bayu, Phone : 08174155757, Location : semarang.
Date : 27 November 2010
Maujual nih karimun GX th 2005 plat F, warna coklat orange. Mobil mulusmesin ok,. AC nyesInterior orisinil. Ban tebelPokoknya tinggal pake deh. BBM irit banget deh, apalagi Sebentar lagi ada program pemerintah hal pembatasan BBM bersubsidi utk mobil produksi th 2006 ke atas. wah pokoknya pas deh pake karimun. MINAT HUB: 0817296161. BISA TUKAR TAMBAHDGN YG LEBIH MURAH.
English Translation »
Suzuki GX, semarang
Price : Rp. 82.50 mil.
Item : Motor : Suzuki GX.
Seller :Contact : bayu, 08174155757, semarang..
Nih Maujual Karimun GX th 2005 the F plate, orange brown color. Car mulusmesin ok. AC nyesInterior original. Ban tebelPokoknya stay deh pake. Deh very fuel efficient, let alone a little while there are government programs that subsidized fuel restrictions for car production year 2006 upwards. wah deh pake pas essentially Karimun. INTEREST HUB: 0817296161. TAMBAHDGN RATE WHICH CAN CHEAPER.