mobil Suzuki karimun, jakarta

Mobil : .Rp. 90 jt
steven, Phone : 68811116, Location : jakarta.
Date : 21 November 2010

Karimun gx limited edition ( spoiler & body kit ) 2006. pajak 8 panjang. HITAMKm-75rb. Tgn 1 dari baru,Body kaleng, interior bersih, service record suzuki, mesin kering, ban tidak botak, kondisi tinggal pakai saja. JUAL MURAHHarga- 90jt, nego. Cash / credit. hub - 68811116.

English Translation »

Suzuki Karimun, jakarta

Price : Rp. 90.00 mil.
Item : Motor : Suzuki karimun.
Seller :Contact : steven, 68811116, jakarta..

Karimun gx limited edition (spoiler & body kit) 2006. 8 tax length. HITAMKm-75rb. TGN 1 from new, Body cans, clean interior, service records suzuki, dry machine, tires are not bald, the conditions stay put. SELL MURAHHarga-90jt, nego. Cash / credit. hub - 68,811,116.

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