mobil Suzuki Karimun, Surabaya

Mobil : .Rp. 89 jt
CahayaIntanMotor, Phone : 0315041420, Location : Surabaya.
Date : 20 November 2010

Dp total :17.000.000 Ang :2.271.000 x 47. Free Adm , Ass TLO + Ang 1 Nomer baru , no over cat / paint , surat lengkap. Cahaya intan motor. www. cahayaintanmotor. co. idcahayaintan3@yahoo. com. Jl Bratang Binangun No 51. Telp 5054720,5041420,fax 5041098. Jl Barata Jaya XIX / 80 Telp 5045593, fax 5051134. Jl Raya Nginden No 3. Telp 5914671,fax 5914672.

English Translation »

Suzuki Karimun, Surabaya

Price : Rp. 89.00 mil.
Item : Motor : Suzuki Karimun.
Seller :Contact : CahayaIntanMotor, 0315041420, Surabaya..

Dp total: 17 million Ang: 2.271 million x 19 Free Adm, Ass TLO + Ang a new Number, no over-paint / paint, a complete letters. Light motor diamonds. www. cahayaintanmotor. co. idcahayaintan3 @ yahoo. com. Jl Bratang Binangun No 19 Tel 5054720.5041420, fax 5041098. Jl Barata Jaya XIX / 19 Phone 5045593, fax 5051134. Jl Raya Nginden No. 3. Tel 5914671, fax 5914672.

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