mobil Suzuki Grand Vitara 2006

Motor : Suzuki Grand– 2006.
Harga : Rp. 158.00 juta.

Pasang Iklan : 12 September 2010

12 September 2010 Suzuki Grand Vitara 2006 Warna Hitam Metalik Harga: 158 juta Lokasi: jakarta Keterangan: Tangan-1, TV/DVD/CD, tanduk depan original Suzuki, interior/exterior standard dan sangat terawat, manual book, toolkit, kunci serep lengkap, khusus pemakai serius, maaf TIDAK melayani SMS/email hub: Revin 0812 8235 9595.

English Translation »

Suzuki Grand Vitara 2006

12 September 2010 2006 Suzuki Grand Vitara Color Black Metallic Price: $ 158 million Location: jakarta Description: Hand-1, TV / DVD / CD, front horn original Suzuki, interior / exterior standard and very well maintained, manual book, toolkit, complete spare key , specifically serious users, sorry NOT serve SMS / Email hub: 0812 8235 9595 Revin.

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