mobil Suzuki futura, BEKASI

Motor : Suzuki futura.
Harga : Rp. 65.00 juta.
Penjual (seller) : Indra Dharma, 021-32582605/081513303130, BEKASI..
Pasang Iklan : 15 September 2010

Suzuki Futura GRV 1.5 ISTIMEWA, km asli 90ribu an. tidak ada perbaikan, siap luar kota, kondisi sbb;. - ban masih tebal (90%)- baru ganti timing belt, van belt. - ac tidak ada masalah, dingin (beku malah , hehehehe)- kaki empuk tdk bunyi. - bangku belakang sengaja sdh ganti hadap2an, biar muatan penuh- Asli GRV , ac sdh doble. - body full orisinil, no dempul n cat ulang, baret2 ga ada.emang mbl simpanan- pajak bln 11 B jakarta. - bisa dibantu kredit, ada tmn bisa bantu dgn bunga murah TDP minim 12 jt. angsuran nanti dihitungan sama dia.- masih bisa nego!!!!!! kondisi mobil beda dr pa

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Mobil Suzuki bekas

English Translation »

Suzuki Futura, BEKASI

Suzuki Futura GRV 1.5 PARTIES, 90ribu original km's. there is no improvement, ready out of town, the following conditions;. - Tire is still thick in 1990) - A new timing belt replace, van belt. - Ac no problems, cold (even frozen, hehehehe) - padded feet off the sound. - Sdh backseat deliberately change hadap2an, let full load-Original GRV, ac sdh double. - Original full body, no putty cat n re, ga baret2 ada.emang mbl-tax savings bln 11 B Jakarta. - Can be assisted loans, there TMN can help with low interest rates low TDP 12 jt. dihitungan equal installments later he still can nego .- !!!!!! conditions of different cars dr pa

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