mobil Suzuki Carry, Jakarta

Motor : Suzuki Carry.
Harga : Rp. 13.50 juta.
Penjual (seller) : ceppy, 08128305850, Jakarta..
Pasang Iklan : 14 September 2010

Jual Mobil Suzuki Carry 1.0 Rp 13,5 juta Nego. thn 1990 Irit Bensin, Hijau Metalik, DVD,MP3,USB, Pintu Belakang, Atas Nama Sendiri, Transmisi Manual 6 Gigi, Surat2 lengkap, Plat Nomor B Jakarta. Hubungi Ceppy 08128305850, 081314745142 Tangerang.

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Mobil Suzuki bekas

English Translation »

Suzuki Carry, Jakarta

Sell Suzuki Carry Cars 1.0 USD 13.5 million Nego. Save Gasoline thn 1990, Green Metallic, DVD, MP3, USB, Rear Door, on Behalf of Himself, Manual Transmission 6 Tooth, complete Surat2, Plate No. B Jakarta. Contact Ceppy 08128305850, 081314745142 Tangerang.

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