herry hermawan, Phone : 02170799145, Location : jakarta.
Date : 19 October 2010
kondisi sgt bagus dan orisinil tanpa cacat, transmisi automatic, jok kulit beige, stnk bln juni, km 31 ribu. jl. kemang utara 7a no 20, kemang, jakarta selatan. harga negotiable khusus pemakai.
English Translation »
Suzuki SX4, jakarta
Price : Rp. 157.50 mil.
Item : Motor : Suzuki sx4.
Seller :Contact : herry hermawan, 02170799145, jakarta..
sgt good and original condition without any defects, automatic transmission, beige leather seats, stnk months of June, km 31 thousand. jl. kemang north 7a No. 20, Kemang, South Jakarta. negotiable price specific user.