mobil Karimun Estillo Dijamin Puassss

Rp. 96 jt
Location : Banten.
Date : 29 November 2010

Tanggal: 29/11/2010 15:39:28
Condition: Masih seperti baru
Harga: Rp. 96.000.000 Bisa Nego
Oleh: BunnyWidjaja
Lokasi: Tangerang,Banten

Dijual karena mau ganti ama Mobil Suzuki APV. BPKB bulan Maret 2009 (tahun rakitan 2008) warna merah, KM baru 14ribuan. dipakai oleh istri saya buat antar jemput anak sekolah dalam kompleks Gading Serpong. Kondisi masih sangat mulus. didalam pakai jok kulit Camaru, karpet dasar juga Camaru. Dijamin nggak bakal kecewa. Selalu service resmi suzuki sesuai dgn jadwal. Asuransi mas

English Translation »

Karimun Estillo Puassss Guaranteed

Price : Rp. 96.00 mil.
Item :
Seller :Contact : Banten..

Date: 11/29/2010 15:39:28
Condition: Still like new
Price: USD. 19 000 000 Can Nego
By: BunnyWidjaja
Location: Tangerang, Banten

ama sale for wanting to replace the Suzuki APV. BPKB March 2009 (the year assembly 2008) of red color, the new KM 14ribuan. used by my wife for shuttle schoolchildren in complex Gading Serpong. Conditions are still very smooth. Camaru wear leather upholstery inside, carpet base also Camaru. Guaranteed not going to be disappointed. Always official suzuki service in accordance with the schedule. Insurance mas

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